Make Believe Page 3
“Yes.” I reply. The enormity of the event is dawning on me. God, I really hadn’t thought this through. Photographers and interviews? What the hell was I thinking? I am appearing with the most prominent man of our time. What if the English papers get hold of it? What about Henry? Shit, he doesn’t even know who I’m working for.
Elliott and Mia appear from the kitchen. Chatting away, Elliott hands me a glass of bubbly. I take it.
“Here’s to tonight,” he smiles.
I put the glass to my lips and drink the contents down.
“Thirsty, Jess?” Mia giggles.
I half smile.
“Jessica, I forgot, only one more drink tonight, we can’t have you falling all over the place. That would not look good for Elliott, now would it?” Hudson scowls at me.
I lean forward and place the glass on the table.
I look at Mia and she winks at me. She knows exactly what I’m thinking.
We approach the outside of Vibiana, a beautiful events place. It’s manic. Hundreds of people line the streets. The cameras flash constantly. I have never seen anything like it.
We pull up to the curb and the chauffeur gets out the car and opens our door. Hudson climbs out first, holding out his hand for Mia. Then Elliott gets out next and the crowd goes berserk, girls shouting his name, screaming at him. It’s deafening. He leans into the car to grab my hand.
“Are you ready for this?” he asks.
“Not really.”
“Too late.” He smirks and pulls me up out the car. The photographers go crazy.
“Elliott, Elliott, over here! No, this way! Elliott, please, just a smile. Who’s your date Elliott?”
It’s so crazy I can only make out a few sentences. Elliott holds onto my hand and puts his other hand into the small of my back. He leads me towards some of his fans, where he starts to sign some of their autographs. One woman scowls at me, I half smile at her. She continues to stare. “He’s mine.” She mouths at me. I turn away quickly avoiding her eye contact. You can have him I think, I only work for him.
Elliott turns to me and pulls me back to where Hudson and Mia are standing.
“Right, we can go in now. Jessica, this is where the real press are. Remember what I told you,” Hudson says.
I nod, regretting my decision to come.
Once we’ve finished the walk of shame we are greeted by the most magnificent room. It has white pillars throughout. It must at least 100-years-old. It has a domed ceiling which is covered in hundreds of twinkling lights. It looks so pretty.
We are shown to our table, which of course is at the front of the venue. The table is covered in white linen complimented by silver goblets and cutlery. It is exquisite. Elliott pulls my chair out for me, stopping the waiter in his tracks. The minute we are seated the wine waiters appear.
“Wine, Ma’am?”
“Yes, please,” I smile. Hudson’s glaring at me. I look towards Mia and she notices. She winks at me and then places her hand on Hudson’s shoulder and whispers something into his ear. He turns and looks at her. I think he looks a little stunned. She then says something he finds amusing and he laughs. “Thank you, Mia,” I mouth.
I down the glass of wine I have, and before you know it the waiter is back refilling it.
I don’t want to get drunk, but I do feel that I need to steady my nerves a little.
“How was that for you, Jessica? Meeting the press and everything?” Elliott asks.
“I know they can get a little crazy sometimes, but without them I wouldn’t be here. I do have a lot of time for my fans.”
I laugh at him. I think the wine’s gone to my head a little.
“What are you laughing at Jessica?”
“It’s nothing.”
“You have to tell me now,” he looks puzzled.
“Ok…..It’s you. You are a walking advert. You’re so cheesy! ‘My fans mean the world to me.’ No one else is listening except for me, for God’s sake and you’re paying me to do that. Please try and talk to me normally, Elliott.” I giggle, realizing what I’ve said!
The others at the table look up.
I feel my face burning red and I look down at my plate making sure I avoid all eye contact.
Elliott raises his hand to my face and pulls it gently so I’m looking at him.
“Um, thank you for that. No one’s ever talked to me like that before. Not someone who’s sackable anyway.” He stares into my eyes. “But because it’s you I can make an exception. You’re right, I am cheesy. I have to be. I am a walking advert, my own personal brand. It’s all part of my job. You’ve seen how crazy it can be. What other way is there to be, Jessica?”
And just for a second he looks so lost and he’s looking at me for his answers!
The microphone squeaks.
“Firstly, may I say welcome to all you kind folks and thank you for coming to this very worthwhile charity auction for disabled children,” the compere announces. “I would like to get the bidding going. I would like to welcome up on to the stage Mr. Elliott Tate, who has graciously agreed to start the bidding off.”
There is a huge a round of applause for him, the spotlight shines directly onto our table and onto both of us. He stands up smiling and then leans down and places a kiss on my cheek.
Why is he kissing me in front of everyone? It’s giving the wrong impression of us! I am his makeup artist for God’s sake, who only met him yesterday. But my mood softens as I watch him do his thing and he’s good, he’s very good, so charming. If I didn’t know better I would think he was naturally like that. He starts the bidding off and the ladies in the room can’t contain themselves, bidding thousands of dollars, just to receive a kiss from him.
Once the auctions finished, they clear the floor to reveal a dance floor. Oh jeez, I hate dancing. I’m just so uncoordinated.
“Jessica, can I tempt you?” Elliott smiles holding out his hand.
I look up at him, with pleading eyes. “I’m no good at dancing.”
“Using your own words, Jessica, I’m paying you!” he smirks.
I say, “Only because you’re paying me!” I take his hand.
We move across the dance floor in a kind of waltz-tango move. I so can’t dance. But Elliott’s good. His leading is strong.
“I didn’t know you could dance.”
“There is a lot you don’t know about me, Jessica? Hopefully over time you will learn,” he smiles.
“Ok, whatever you say Mr. Tate!” I raise my eyes to heaven. He is so infuriating. Why can’t he just answer a simple question?
“Excuse me, can I cut in?” I look up and Hudson’s standing there. My heart sinks.
“Sure.” Elliott places my hand in Hudson’s and moves over to where Mia is.
Hudson can dance, but not as a good as Elliott.
“So Jessica, how are you enjoying the spotlight?” he whispers in my ear.
Oh, he makes my skin crawl.
“I’m trying to avoid it,” I reply sweetly.
“Well, you’re not doing a very good job of it. Elliott likes you, you know that?” I feel his eyes burning down at me.
“What do you mean he ‘likes’ me? He’s only just met me.”
“Oh, poor Jessica, so naïve! He’s been following your work for a while. He was in the UK one time when you were there. He was doing some chat show and you were on set. He spoke to your agent briefly and has been obsessed ever since. He’s been trying to find as much information about you as possible. He didn’t like the fact you had a boyfriend! He’s been waiting for the opportunity to work with you ever since then. He insisted this time that you were head of makeup or he would leave the film!”
I stop moving and I just stare at Hudson.
“You didn’t think it was because of your work that got you here, did you?” he leers. I pause for a minute.
“Why tell me now? Why here?”
“Because, young lady, I don’t want you fa
lling for him! You need to know what’s expected of you and why you’re here. That’s solely to make him happy in whatever way he wants you to. But once this film is finished, you’re gone! I need him back concentrating on what he’s good at and that’s making money! Do you understand, Jessica?
I nod.
“Good girl. We never had this conversation, OK?”
“Right, now the ball’s over, Cinderella. It’s time for bed.” Hudson takes my hand and pulls me towards Mia and Elliott.
Elliott sits next to me in the car and I cannot help but feel stupid sitting next to him. What an idiot I’ve been, thinking that I had got this job on my own merits.
“Hey Jessica, are you OK? You’re quiet, Is something bothering you?” Elliott enquires.
“No…… I’m good, thanks. Just tired,” I lie.
“Oh Elliott, you worry far too much. She’s a big girl, she’s fine!” Hudson bellows.
I close my eyes, wishing the whole sorry affair was over. Mia notices and leans past Elliott and touches my knee.
“She is a big girl, Hudson, and you’d do well to remember that. I’ve known Jessica for a very long time. And believe me, you don’t want to cross her! She is the best friend in the world but I wouldn’t want to be her enemy!”
“I think I can handle myself, Mia. But thank you for the advice,” he returns her compliment.
“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she chuckles and brushes his arm.
How does she do it? She stays so calm and vivacious even though I know she’s reeling inside.
“Well ladies, you’re home. Simon will let you out. Thank you for your company,” Hudson announces.
“Actually Hudson, I want to see them in. I need to have a quick chat with Jessica anyway about tomorrow. I’ll get Simon to drop you off – I’ll call him when I need picking up.”
“Oh OK, Elliott, don’t do anything I wouldn’t. I don’t want complaints.” Hudson leers.
I’m the last to climb out of the car and as I do, Hudson grabs my hand. “Remember, Jessica, what I said.”
I pull my hand away immediately, glaring at him. I find the courage to speak.
“Hudson, I’d shut the fuck up if I was you! If what you say is true, I’m sure Elliott would be more than interested in our conversation!”
“Jessica, you don’t know who you’re playing with. Be very careful!” His tone is intimidating.
“I’m shattered. I’m off to bed. Night you two, Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” Mia teases taking the hint.
“Right, first thing first. Elliott, would you like a drink? I’m having one as I was on rations!” I roll my eyes.
I’m so not in the mood for entertaining, especially someone who’s been my stalker for the last year!
“Yes, Jessica, whatever you’re having,” he smiles.
“Look, you can call me Jess, Elliott, it’s really only my mother that calls me Jessica,” I snap.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were so infuriated with it!
“Jessica, I mean Jess, have I done something to upset you tonight? You seemed fine up until the dancing.”
There you said it. Think about it, Elliott. What happened with the dancing? My internal voice is shouting full volume at him.
“No, it’s not you. It’s just….” Could I bring myself to tell him? Or would I adhere to Hudson’s commands?
“What is it, Jess? Has someone upset you? I need to know. Tell me.” He seems so concerned, so compassionate. I’m not used to this.
“It’s just…. I don’t really like Hudson! He’s arrogant and he doesn’t like me no matter what you say. He thinks I’m just a play thing for you.” I drink the rest of my wine. “Another drink?” I smile at him.
“No, I’m good, Jess, thanks. I haven’t finished this one. I know he’s an idiot at times, but like I said, he’s a good guy. Anyway, I didn’t want to come and talk to you about Hudson.” He moves next to me.
Oh God! I can’t handle this, not now.
I move awkwardly on the sofa, feeling like I’ve been hemmed in.
“Jess, what can I say? You looked totally incredible tonight. You put all the other ladies in that room to shame. You are so beautiful, sophisticated, and clever. Everything a man wants in a woman, and not to mention so goddam sexy! You ooze it. I see all the other guys standing around looking at you, wanting you. How do you do it? You must give off this scent that drives them crazy.”
I’m literally gob smacked. I’ve never seen myself as sexy. I mean Henry would complement me on stuff, but he’d never called me ‘goddam sexy’! I can’t help but feel a little bit smug. It’s not every day that you have the world’s sexiest man declaring how gorgeous you are.
“Thanks,” I smile, embarrassed as hell.
“That’s better, Jess, and I mean it! I can’t take my eyes off you. I think about you all the time. When you’re so close to me at work, I can smell your perfume and it takes all of myself control not to hold you and kiss you, it’s torture. You mesmerize me.”
He’s now moved and sat facing me. So close, I can smell him and he smells amazing. He pulls at his bow tie and undoes it, and then he undoes the top button of his shirt. I not sure if it’s the wine making me feel like this or him. I stare, wishing that he’ll undo his shirt further. In fact, I want to be the one undoing it. I can’t take my eyes off of him. He notices and a wicked smile crosses his face.
“You ok, Jess, you seem a little flustered?” he asks with intent.
Bastard! He knows exactly what he’s doing; he’s probably done it hundreds of times before. He’s renowned for having women falling at his feet.
Well, two can play at that game. “Yes, I’m fine, thanks. It’s just so hot in here.” I stand up and pull my pashmina off and let it drop to the floor. I turn to face him and bend down to get it, knowing full well he will get a great look at my cleavage on the way back up. But I’m not very good at sexy and stumble falling flat onto him.
“Hey Jess, you don’t literally have to throw yourself at me, you know. You can just ask,” He purrs.
God, how embarrassing! Not sexy at all!
“Sorry, I think the wine’s gone to my head.” I roll off him back into my little space on the sofa, wishing that it would swallow me up whole.
“It’s getting late; Hudson will be checking up on me. He’s worse than my own mother.”
I smile back, just wanting the whole embarrassing situation to finish.
I stand up to walk him to the door.
He grabs his jacket and puts it on. He really is beautiful, his body is just perfect with his muscles in all the right places. He looks amazing in a tux. Why hadn’t I noticed this earlier? It must have been my nerves or something, but believe me, I was noticing now. His dark hair flopped over his face. His blue/grey eyes glistened against his olive skin. He was broad, manly; anyone would feel safe in those arms.
I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him.
“Jessica?” he smiles. God, he’s noticed.
“Yes, sorry, thanks for the drink and chat.”
“My pleasure, Miss Ing.”
“So formal, Mr. Tate,” I respond.
“I wouldn’t want to offend you again, Miss Ing. Especially as we have to work together, I don’t want you getting confused with the fake blood for my own!” he teases.
“Oh, I’m glad you pointed that out. I mean it would be a terrible shame, maybe you should consider getting someone else to attend to you instead!” I smirk. Point to me.
We stop at the front door.
“I’m quite happy with the way you’re attending to me at the moment, Jess! But I’ll bare it in mind for the future!”
I reach to grasp the door handle, and I feel him move closer, I turn to look and he’s pushing up against me. He grabs my hands and pushes me against the door. He’s so much bigger than me. But I don’t try to move. I don’t want to move.
“So Miss Ing, I guess this is go
odbye then,” he whispers into my ear.
I nod slowly.
He drops my hands and brings his up to either side of my face and strokes them down my face.
He uses one to steady my chin and within moments his lips are on mine, pushing hard against my mouth, his tongue invading mine. I respond. Feeling all light-headed, I don’t want it to stop.
I pull him in harder but he releases!
“Jess, I’ve got to go.” He leans into my ear, “The best comes to those who wait!” He kisses my cheek and opens the door and then he’s gone.
I shut the door behind him, lean back and sink to the floor.
What the hell just happened? What was that kiss? I have never felt a kiss like it. Passion so potent. Oh my God! What have I been missing!
Chapter 4
“The hire car’s outside, Jess. They dropped it off this morning,” Mia says over breakfast.
“Great that’s one less stress to think of.” God, I hate driving on the opposite side of the road! The studio has ordered us a convertible Mercedes! How very generous of them. I think my last car had been a Renault Clio! Oh the difference of working in Hollywood.
I start the long walk to the trailer, butterflies flying around in my stomach. I’m really nervous about seeing him. What if he regrets last night? What if it was more alcohol fueled than anything else? God, my mother always warned me not to pursue someone I worked with. Why didn’t I listen to her?
I persuade myself to open the makeup room door. Immediately I’m confronted by a tall, blonde, slim woman wearing far too much makeup and a very short skirt and fake boobs you could spot a mile off.
“You must be Jessica,” She spits out my name as if it’s poison in her mouth.
“Yes, I am and you are?” I reply as confidently as I can.
“Mr. Tate has sent me. He’s running late this morning. He has a meeting with his agent and then he’ll be here.”